1. Connect to the agency command center using your login and password (Should be agency owner). After successfully logging in, go to the command center and choose the Applications menu.

2. A list of all applications will now show. Select mailgun and then click the manage option.

3. To proceed with Xeni’s keys, select option “Use Xeni’s API Key”. And following the further steps. (When selecting this option, you will not be able to see any analytics for your transactional emails.)

4. If you have your mailgun API key please select option “Add your own API key”. (Please create an account in Mailgun, and your account's API Key. The mailgun subscription will cost USD 35. This option will allow you to see all the analytics for your transactional emails.)

5. Once you add the domain name and click on “Add Domain”, it will take you to the next step.


Go to the DNS provider that you use to manage mg.yourdomain.com and add the given DNS records.

Need a step-by-step walk through? Click here

Prefer to watch a video? We’ve got you covered here.

7. Add given TXT, CNAME and MX records at DNS provider and save.

8. Once you make the above DNS changes it can take 24-48 hrs for those changes to propagate. We will email you to let you know once your domain is verified or you can click on the verify DNS settings button.

9. On the next screen, you can add the email address that you prefer for all the emails to go out from your agency. Please note that this will be a no reply email address, unable to receive emails, so it is advised to choose something like


10. On the next screen, you can verify the setup by sending a test email.