Xeni is your technology partner, but you are responsible for your own customers.  We provide state of the art fraud protection software via our payment processing partners.  However, all businesses still experience chargebacks.  These come in two forms: 1) Stolen credit cards: it is not always possible for a payment processor to identify when someone’s card has been stolen and fraudulently used.  You should try to confirm with your clients that they have validly made any purchases on your site.  2) “Friendly fraud”: sometimes, travelers decide they just don’t want to pay for travel they purchased.  This can happen if they were dissatisfied with their experience, or if they simply are trying to dodge paying.  We suggest you remind all of your clients in advance that they should reach out to you immediately if they are dissatisfied or have any problems with their travel, rather than filing a chargeback.

Xeni provides our subscribers with the ability to block travelers from their site.  We advise that you keep a close eye on traveler signups and make sure you trust them. 

Xeni immediately blocks as a future user anyone who files a chargeback.  We will also fight chargebacks if the user has simply tried to dodge paying for their validly purchased travel. However, in the case of stolen credit cards, there is nothing we can do but block the user from making future purchases. 

Per your white label subscription agreement, your agency is responsible for covering both the fines and dollar amount of the chargeback.  These will be deducted from your commissions.  If a chargeback is filed due to a technology issue with the Xeni system (for example, if a booking is confirmed but somehow not honored by the vendor) Xeni will assume responsibility for the chargeback.