How many sales agents can I add?
The number of agents you can add depends on the subscription level you have selected. The premium subscription tier allows for 50 agents, and the Enterpris...
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 8:30 AM
What does the restricted/not restricted toggle mean for sale agents?
A restricted sales agent can make bookings on behalf of a client, but cannot see all of the bookings made on the platform, the client list, the default mar...
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 7:48 AM
Can bookings be attributed to a specific sales agent?
If a sales agent makes a booking on behalf of a traveler, the booking will be attributed to them. There is not currently the ability to tag a booking made ...
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 7:49 AM
Can my sub-agents be located anywhere in the world?
Yes, your agents can be located anywhere - they do not need to be located in the city or office as the main subscriber.
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 7:53 AM
Will you pay out my sub-agents for their commissions?
Xeni will send all commission payments to the site owner. Site owners are responsible for paying out their sub agents.
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 7:57 AM
When you email the items in the cart to a client, can the client book that trip themselves from the email?
Currently, the client can only view the itinerary, but in future product releases we will have the ability to book straight from the itinerary email.
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 7:57 AM
When you email an itinerary to a client, how long will that pricing last?
There is no guarantee on the prices - this is determined by inventory availability. It is advisable to reprice the entire itinerary before booking.
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 7:58 AM
Can itineraries or quotes be texted or just email?
The itinerary is sent via email.
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 7:59 AM
If you book something for a client, is there a way for the client to see the trip details in their dashboard?
Currently, the clients will be able to see only the bookings made by them on their dashboard.
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 7:59 AM
Is there a way for a traveler's passport, frequent flier miles, Known Traveler number and other information to be stored in their profile?
We do not currently store passport and frequent flier miles information. This will be available in a future release.
Mon, 31 Jul, 2023 at 8:00 AM